Speak Up & Speak Out is a leadership group composed of leaders and highly thought of and respected people around Aiken New Tech. In Speak Up & Speak Out(SUSO) we are a leadership group with a mission to give back and better our
communities in as many ways as we can. It is also a group that gives back to its members by going on field trips and meeting a lot of powerful and knowledgeable people and making connections with them that can come in handy later in life when needing help getting into a college, applying for a good job, or even finding housing.
One of the things we’ve done in the past to give back to the community was a canned food drive. Last year we organized a drive throughout the school for around a month and a half. Another project we did last year was to organize a fundraiser for in Palestine. We sent off food, water, clothing, and some other essentials that we decided on as a team. We also got in contact with some of our sponsors who helped us raise money to help pitch in to help fund aid for the country. SUSO is very active with helping better our communities. Every Thursday during 6th bell we leave school and walk across the street to College Hill Fundamental Academy to tutor the kids and help them with work and just talk to them about life and the importance of going to class and taking care of their school work.
See Mr. Carroll to learn more!