Bearcats Academy
December 7, 2022
Jr. High students! Interested in college but don’t know where to start? Consider the Bearcats Academy.
Bearcats Academy is multi-year mentoring program held at Aiken during Advisory.
According to their website, “Bearcats Academy aims to support CPS students’ pathway to college by infusing multiple opportunities to create a supportive community, to practice scholarly work, and to experience new and exciting college programs and career paths.”
Students apply in their 8th grade year, submitting an essay and application. From there, they receive one-on-one mentorship with UC undergraduates, two on-campus tours a year, and get a chance to talk to real UC professors and staff.
Each year, students learn a new skill associated with going to college including college searches, applying to scholarships, understanding graduation pathways, and practicing study skills.
For more information, see Ms. Wimmers at [email protected]