As you’ve possibly heard, the drama club is coming with another exciting play. The play in question is “Mean Girls”. There have been a lot of people trying out for multiple roles. You could be a dancer or a singer. All of these roles are equally important and equally fun.
Therefore, let’s go over all the practices and day-to-day in Drama Club. When school ends, this process starts. The club members work on vocal practices, dancing, and acting methods. Each activity is vital for the actors acting out this play, or any play at that. Students also have systems set up in case of emergencies, like who to call if something happens. When the people in charge were first auditioning, emergencies were one of the things they went over first. Some people didn’t get the person they wanted, and the adults in charge warned the students of this and asked if it were all right if that did happen.
After auditions, the adults would pull students to the side for a one-on-one singing, then group acting for lines. Finally, after everything is sorted, the adults decide who goes where and
who plays what characters. Usually, this process takes a long time, but once it’s done, everyone will be relieved. These are just simple examples of what the drama club does, but it sure
will pay off once the play is ready to be acted out on stage.