On Tuesday, September 26th, students from Aiken embarked on an eye-opening adventure as they delved into the intriguing topic of “Who Owns the Rivers” during a field trip that took them to the heart of their local waterways and watersheds. Teachers Ms. Rocket, Ms. Frye, and Ms. Alexander were on board to assist with learning and mentorship.
Accompanied by enthusiastic teachers and local environmental experts, the students set out to unravel the complex web of ownership and stewardship surrounding their beloved river. The trip was aimed at fostering a deeper understanding of the critical role rivers play in our ecosystem and the challenges they face due to human activities.
According to River Works Discovery, the Outreach Program sponsoring the event, the aim was for students to “explore careers on and along the river. The river is home to a variety of jobs such as in the maritime industry, conservation, engineering, and more”. River Works Discovery also provided lessons like the process of transporting goods in the economy, how rivers work, safety demonstrations, and how to prepare for an interview. To round off the experience, the students engaged in a lively discussion with local educators and community organizers along the riverbank. This dialogue allowed them to hear firsthand about the challenges and responsibilities associated with owning property adjacent to a river.